Bequests, gifts of intellectual property, charitable gift annuities and more ways you can make a planned gift to the Entertainment Community Fund.

Gifts of Intellectual Property
Charitable Gift Annuities
Charitable Remainder / Lead Trusts
Retirement Assets
If you have any questions about making any of these types of planned gifts, please get in touch with:
Jay Haddad
Manager of Principal & Planned Giving
212.221.7300, ext. 128
A bequest for the benefit of the Entertainment Community Fund is simply a gift you make after your passing. In most cases it is included in the body of your will or added by a codicil (a supplement that explains or modifies a will).
If you are currently drawing up your will, you may use this sample language if you wish: “I give, devise and bequeath to the Entertainment Community Fund, federal tax ID number 13-1635251, 729 Seventh Avenue, 10th Floor, New York, NY 10019 the sum of $___ (or describe the real or personal property portion of the estate) to be used for its general purposes.” (You also may describe a specific purpose for the use of your bequest).
If you have already included the Fund in your will as ”The Actors’ Fund of America,” or “The Actors Fund” you do not need to make any changes to the document, as we still able to receive donations under those names as well as Entertainment Community Fund.
Gifts of Intellectual Property
Donations of royalties or residuals to the Entertainment Community Fund are a generous way to provide a legacy of care for performing arts and entertainment professionals for years to come. Many notable professionals have made similar gifts, including dozens of award-winning actors, playwrights, lyricists, producers, dancers and more.
Charitable Gift Annuities
A gift annuity is an agreement between you and the Entertainment Community Fund under which you give a specific sum of cash or securities or other property and, in return, are guaranteed a fixed annual income for life. The transfer is part gift and part purchase of an annuity. Read more.
Charitable Remainder / Lead Trusts
A Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT) is created by a transfer of assets to a trust that will pay you or another beneficiary income for life or for a period of years. At the death of the last beneficiary, the remaining property in the trust passes to the Entertainment Community Fund.
A Charitable Lead Trust (CLT) is created by a transfer of assets to a trust that will pay the Entertainment Community Fund income for a term of years. At the end of the term, you or a beneficiary receives the remaining trust assets. A CLT can be created during life or at death (under the terms of your will). This planned giving option is a great way to transfer assets to future generations while benefiting the Entertainment Community Fund today. The tax advantage is that it removes assets from your estate and minimizes your estate and gift taxes.
Retirement Assets
Using qualified retirement plan funds is an excellent source of assets to fund bequests. By designating the Entertainment Community Fund as a beneficiary (it can be a contingent beneficiary after the death of a spouse) funds pass to the Fund free of taxes. It is possible to set up the beneficiary as the recipient of the entire remaining funds in the account or establish a percentage to fund the bequest.