Financial Wellness Program

Are you an entertainment professional interested in the role of money in your life? Our Financial Wellness Program seeks to engage, educate, and empower you about building financial stability.

The Financial Wellness Program offers a continuum of courses to support your relationship with money as a creative professional, including:

  • Single-session workshops on a variety of topics such as the basics of investing, managing debt, building credit, and tax preparation
  • A three-part series allowing for in-depth exploration of core skills around budgeting and managing cash flow
  • A psychoeducation group to develop awareness of and gain insight into your money mind
  • Ongoing support and accountability for those who complete our core curriculum

The Financial Wellness program can help you:

  • Identify your financial goals and get clear about your particular starting point.
  • Learn and begin to implement specific strategies for organizing expenses, and planning for multiple and episodic sources of income.
  • Develop a savings plan along with skills to begin to engage in the world of investing.
  • Gain clarity around debt management and potential repayment and relief options.
  • Understand the elements of your credit report and score, and how to build and maintain healthy credit.
  • Examine the behaviors and thinking patterns that impact your financial habits and begin to align your actions and intentions.

To get started, visit our Financial Wellness Programs page to view upcoming offerings.

Please register or log in to our Entertainment Community Fund Portal to access our workshops, programs and services. Our portal is designed to cater to your individual needs and interests, offering access to a wide range of resources and support—all with the guidance and understanding of what it takes to build a life and career in the arts.

The Entertainment Community Fund does not offer credit counseling or investment advisory services.

Am I eligible?

We offer free and confidential Financial Wellness services for all performing arts and entertainment industry professionals.

Get in touch:

No matter where you live in the U.S., we’re here to help. Get in touch with your nearest regional office at:

Eastern Region

Central Region

Western Region

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