Senior Services

Are you or your loved one an entertainment professional aged 65 and older? You can reach out to us for help and support in navigating the transitions common in this stage of life.

Our caring and experienced social workers are here to help you develop a plan tailored to meet your or your family member’s needs. Our care plan includes:

  • Assessment of your social, financial, housing and health needs
  • Supportive counseling to help you manage life transitions
  • Caregiver support when caring for a family member or friend
  • Advocacy in negotiating community resources and medical systems
  • Linkage to entitlements or other benefits
  • Emergency Financial assistance
  • Referral to help you create your end of life planning documents, including a will, financial power of attorney and healthcare proxy

We can also make local home and hospital visits as necessary. We will work with you to get a better understanding of how we can best provide support.

Since medical coverage is often of great concern, our Senior Care Program works closely with our Artists Health Insurance Resource Center to provide information about health insurance, Medigap policies and prescription programs.

Please register or log in to our Entertainment Community Fund Portal to access our workshops, programs and services. Our portal is designed to cater to your individual needs and interests, offering access to a wide range of resources and support—all with the guidance and understanding of what it takes to build a life and career in the arts.

Am I eligible?

Any performing arts or entertainment professional may call on our Senior Services for support, information or referrals to community agencies.  

For financial assistance, we will ask for an application, documentation of your professional earnings and an interview. In general, eligibility requirements for financial assistance are:

  • Five years of documented professional performing arts and entertainment earnings out of the last seven years.
  • Three of the five documented years of earnings must be a minimum of $6,500 per year.


  • Twenty years of industry-paid employment with at least 10 years of industry earnings of $5,000 per year.
  • Documented financial need.

If you have questions regarding financial assistance please contact us.

Get in touch:

No matter where you live in the U.S., we’re here to help. Get in touch with your nearest regional office at:

Eastern Region

Central Region

Western Region
323.933.9244, ext. 443

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