New York Tenant Organizations

We’ve compiled links to helpful sites with information on tenants’ rights, affordable housing and community organizations.

Metropolitan Council on Housing

  • City-wide tenants’ rights membership organization that advocates and actively fights for tenants and tenants’ rights
  • Website offers very helpful fact sheets on housing issues
  • A hotline is run by volunteers and can provide information on tenants’ rights

New York State Tenants and Neighbors

  • State-wide organization that fights for tenants’ rights and affordable housing
  • Helps to develop new tenant associations and strengthen existing tenant associations
  • Runs program in leadership tenants for low and moderate income tenants to be activists in their communities

Good Old Lower East Side (GOLES)

  • Neighborhood housing and preservation organization that has served the Lower East Side of Manhattan since 1977
  • Dedicated to tenants’ rights, homelessness prevention, economic development and community revitalization

West Side Neighborhood Alliance

  • Independent, member-run organization sponsored by Housing Conservation Coordinators that mobilizes West Side residents to take charge of planning their community
  • Advocates for a diverse, affordable, livable neighborhood that preserves the mixed-income character of today’s West Side
  • Works to guarantee that the ongoing development of the neighborhood serves community members of all races, incomes and backgrounds.
  • Organizes an annual West Side Tenants’ conference